Child Abuse Prevention
Exchange provides a variety of public awareness materials and community service projects designed to help inform and increase awareness of child abuse and how it can be prevented.
The club makes an annual donation to the National Exchange Club Foundation Endowment Fund. In addition, we have special speakers and service projects related to Child Abuse prevention. The club distributes educational materials at local shopping centers and gathers supplies and clothing to give to local help centers.
Community Service
The Noon Exchange Club of Garland serves the Garland area. Its highest profile event is the annual Labor Day Parade, the largest, best-attended, and most well-organized parade west of the Mississippi River.
In addition to the parade, the club works on blood drives, fire prevention, crime prevention, Habitat for Humanity, and the Hope Clinic. Members of the club volunteer for the Garland Animal Shelter, and it has donated funds to Joseph’s House and Crime Stoppers.
The club also gives out a community service award called the ‘Book of Golden Deeds’ to outstanding individuals who have made a difference in the community.
Youth Programs
The Noon Exchange Club of Garland sponsors an impressive selection of activities designed to benefit and encourage our youth. Each month, the club recognizes two seniors as Youth of the Month. The students present an essay which is judged, and a Youth of the Year is selected to represent the club at the district convention. There is also an ACE Award for Accepting the Challenge of Excellence. The award is presented to students who have overcome hardships and will graduate and go onto higher education.
The annual Children’s Christmas Party provides gifts to over 370 GISD Elementary students. High school groups entertain with musical Christmas performances and other entertainment. The students are surprised with a bag with up to $100 worth of gifts.
Through college scholarships at the community and national levels, mentoring, guidance, and service recognition, Exchange is making a difference for America’s youngest generations. If you are interested in showing our nation’s youth just how treasured they are, we encourage you to become involved with this important program.
The Noon Exchange Club of Garland hands small American Flags to kids along the Labor Day Parade route. In addition, the club displays American flags throughout the community on national holidays.
Over the years the club has presented the Freedom Shrine to many public buildings. The Freedom Shrine is an impressive, permanently mounted collection of 30 of the most important and historic American documents, including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Gettysburg Address. They show our nation’s youth the strength and courage of their forefathers by allowing them to read, with their own eyes, the immortal words of inspired Americans who so decisively changed the course of history.
Proudly We Hail – Many residents fly the American Flag in the proper manner. The club has honored many residents with a plaque to display for their honoring the flag.
The One Nation Under God project was adopted by Exchange leaders seeking to heighten awareness of our rich religious heritage. Noon Exchange of Garland has had many enriching One Nation Under God programs.
Annually the club gives gift cards to homeless veterans through the police department. Over the past four years the club has helped more than 300 homeless veterans.